Why Phillip Japan

Established in 1920, our securities brokerage house became a part of the Phillip Capital Group in 2002. For the past 100 years, Phillip Japan has created long-standing relationships with various financial organizations throughout Japan.




We now currently support some of the biggest proprietary trading houses and top internet securities firms in Japan. In addition, our clients include some of the largest banks and hedge funds in the world.

Headquartered in the historic Nihonbashi district of Tokyo, our office is located where the first modern bank of Japan was founded by Shibusawa Eiichi, the “father of Japanese Capitalism.” We continue to respect Shibusawa’s values by always conducting our business to the highest ethical standards for our customers.

Phillip Capital Group

Employees Worldwide
in Assets
Operates in
Countries Globally

Products & Services


We offer our clients the opportunity to trade on three Domestic exchanges (TSE, OSE, and TOCOM) and Overseas exchanges(CME, ICE and SGX). Our clients will have full access to the following


Opening an Account

We accept account opening applications from most jurisdictions around the world including Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, the United States, United Kingdom, and Cayman Islands.

Required Documents

* For entities registered in Japan, please refer to our Japanese page here